Wednesday, April 17, 2013

On Going Solo

The top questions and comments I've encountered since I began mentioning my trip, aside from where/how long I'm going, seem to all fall simply around the fact that I am a female. I'm serious. I've been asked "oh, but you're not going on your own, are you?" Which isn't necessarily about me being female, but when the response I receive after affirming that I am, in fact, traveling solo, is something along the lines of "aren't you brave," I can't help but wonder if I'm brave because I'm a female traveller going alone, or simply because I'm going alone. Some of the people I've met downright tell me I'm brave because I'm a female going alone. Many try to tell me I shouldn't do it; I should find a friend, find a man, find someone to take me. However, I've also noticed a trend. The women seem to find me brave and be excited for me. The older men I've talked to seem to try to tell me I should go with someone. Any time I mention that I'm going on a tour, everyone seems almost instantly relieved. Because meeting up with a bunch of strangers being led by another stranger (albeit a stranger with credentials) is somehow reassuring.

Another question I seem to encounter is "what do your parents/family/friends think of this," and I have to admit I have the most amazing support group surrounding me. My family has been totally supportive of me going off. They've helped me organize things, made suggestions about where to go/ what to do, shared stories, and totally supported me in my decisions (or told me a thought was dumb if I needed to hear it). And then of course, up comes the (repetitive) "what does your boyfriend think about you being gone for so long?" Hate to break it to ya folks, but I've been flying solo for a few years now; there is no "he" to care.

The biggest thing this response, often worded differently because I'm at work, seems to dig up is the other member of the party saying something about how I'll probably meet someone over there and end up staying; or I'll meet someone and move there without returning home first. Sure, fine, I may meet someone over there. That's not why I'm going though. I'm in it for the history, the experience, and the information. If I meet someone, I'll still end up coming home. Lets face it, I don't have the money to stay, I can't just drop my life here, and there is, of course, the legalities to consider. I am required to leave the Schengen Area after 90 days (which is fine, I'm going to England, Scotland, and Ireland), and to stay over in England or somewhere similar I would still need a work visa- I'm independent and will want to be able to earn a wage. I will be coming home, but that doesn't mean I won't ever return. And I'm certainly not against trying out the long-distance thing!

Does anyone else have certain questions they run into while planning trips or traveling that get repeated until they're old, or that just seem to be sort of annoying? Am I all alone in this,or is it common?

Today I leave you with some other photographs. In the one with all the books is my Bestie. I'm currently a sort of library service as well, so because I'm off for 3 months, she had to stock up. The messy table is from crafting with the ladies, and the trio is my city ladies and I hamming it up! :-)

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