"Ciao, Bella." Is a phrase that has been said to me mo than once today, which I find a bit weird. Our TM ws saying that its a phrase that gets thrown about quite a bit, but I never thought I'd have it thrown my way, mush less more than once. Why? I'm literally wearing denim capris and a tee shirt, my short hair is decidedly windswept, my backpack looks huge (it has my sweater in it as well as 2 bottles of water and a bunch more stuff), and I have hiking shoes on my feet. Today is not a good day for looks (and I really look the part of a tourist with my map), and yet this is the only day people choose to acknowledge my presence. What a weird place Italy is.
I'm sitting in Piazza Di Santa Trinita, and I've just come down a street lined with Burberry, Prada, Giorgio Armani, Dolce and Gabana, and a bunch of other shops I can never afford to enter. Have I mentioned how much clothing envy I'm encountering on this trip? It's pretty extreme. I've been into a couple shops and found things I liked on budget, but until I have a way of transporting them home, I can't buy anything. Therefore, this limited space thing and my last of an ability to find a cheap secondary bag is being a very good budgeting tool. I did buy myself a wax seal set yesterday, and a scarf today, but that's it. I was looking into purchasing a handbag earlier, but I haven't found anything that I'm totally in love with yet (see also, I haven't found anything I'm willing to pay €200 for yet. I have to admit to wandering into H&M and Zara earlier though, out if curiosity (and a basic desire to find a cheap bag. Why don't they have Primark outside of the UK?!), and they were basically the same. That was reassuring. For now though, it's time for this girly to find some food a new sunbeam. Or somewhere that's out of the wind.
Florence is beautiful, and I love it, but is quite windy everywhere I seem to go. Maybe I'm just a cursed being and I've brought my West Coast weather with me, because its colder and wetter than usual in Italy right now *sigh* oh well.
I've just managed to finish another book. Just casually sitting in a Piazza in Italy, looking over the Arno, and sipping a bottle of water. I think I may have to find a good, stable Internet connection soon as I'm running out of reading materials again, but that has never stopped me before! Onwards and forwards I go, into a world where I don't understand the language and I feel like everyone may or may not be laughing at me ;)
Oh! I found a new bag this afternoon, too! Just a bit ago, actually. Smallish, simple, and I only paid €15 (asking price was 18). So now I can buy things and don't have to lug the grocery bag around! Also, I don't have to wear 18 layers while traveling! :-)
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